Justin Fabo from Antipodean Macro posted the following update on labour productivity across major advanced [...]
Australia’s manufacturing sector has shrunk to just over 5% of GDP, the lowest share in [...]
It’s a very big debate for asset allocators by very big people that I respect [...]
It would be hard to do a podcast on anything other than tariffs… In this [...]
DXY is back. AUD is tariffied. Auld lead boots is the big question as the [...]
FTAlphaville has ripping post on AI. A popular view of generative AI is that it’s [...]
More from the RBA’s new deputy, Andrew Hauser: “Mark encouraged us to be challenging about [...]
The Evergrande saga is intensifying daily. The firm’s equity is all but gone. Its debt [...]
Has anybody else noticed how nobody is talking about a “commodity supercycle” anymore? There is [...]
Following the Great Pandemic of 2020, the global economy is entering a robust recovery. This [...]
In his masterpiece, The World in Depression, Charles A. Kindleberger concludes the major cause of the [...]