Justin Fabo from Antipodean Macro posted the following update on labour productivity across major advanced [...]
Australia’s manufacturing sector has shrunk to just over 5% of GDP, the lowest share in [...]
It’s a very big debate for asset allocators by very big people that I respect [...]
It would be hard to do a podcast on anything other than tariffs… In this [...]
DXY is back. AUD is tariffied. Auld lead boots is the big question as the [...]
This episode of Nucleus Insights Economist Leith Van Onselen and Strategist David Llewellyn-Smith join, Damien [...]
This afternoon on Nucleus Insights, Good Defence is the Best Offence will have David Llewellyn-Smith, [...]
On this episode of Nucleus Insights, Resources – Dirty Business will have David Llewellyn-Smith, Damien Klassen and [...]
This episode of Nucleus Insights, Quant Rocks : Value is Key [3/4] will have Damien [...]
On this episode of Nucleus Insights, China Triple Threat will have David Llewellyn-Smith joining Damien [...]
This episode on Nucleus Insights, Quant Rocks are back for our second episode to our [...]
On this episode of Nucleus Insights, State of the Nation will have Leith Van Onselen joining us as [...]
On this episode David Llewellyn-Smith, Damien Klassen and Tim Fuller walk through recent events happening [...]
On this episode of Nucleus Insights Damien Klassen and Tim Fuller take a look at what [...]
On this episode of Nucleus Investment Insights, Head of Strategy David Llewellyn-Smith, Head of Investment [...]
Catch up on the falling dollar, hear from David Llewellyn – Smith, Damien Klassen and [...]
Join us for another full house event with David Llewellyn – Smith, Leith Van Onselen, [...]
Join David Llewellyn-Smith, Leith Van Onselen, Damien Klassen and Tim Fuller as we walk through [...]
Joined by Leith Van Onselen and David Llewellyn-smith in the studio with Damien Klassen and [...]