
Performance Reports

All of our clients have website access to see the stocks and bonds that they own, the reasons for owning them and a full history of performance.

In addition, we write a performance report each month to go through any changes to our positioning. See below for recent reports: 

October was not our month. Stock markets pulled back but rebounded mid-month to end in the black on the back
September saw stock markets pull back as issues around growth and inflation hit markets. Our core portfolios performed much better
August was another strong month for the stock market. Our tactical portfolios performed well, Growth led the way up 2.9%
July was another strong month for the stock market. Our tactical portfolios performed well, up between 1.7% and 2.6% over
June was another strong month for the stock market. Our tactical portfolios performed well, up between 0.9% and 2.1% over
The market seems to be oscillating between value and growth months. In May it was the turn of value portfolios

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