Removes the worst polluters, in particular, companies that use Lignite coal or create oil from Tar Sands.
Sources: Sustainalytics, S&P Capital IQ, SNL and company presentations.
Removes companies where more than 10% of the company is involved in coal, oil or gas.
Sources: GICS sector is used as the initial screen, also sustainalytics, S&P Capital IQ, SNL and company presentations.
Removes companies who are involved in Coal Seam Gas extraction and fracking
Sources: GICS sector is used as the initial screen, also sustainalytics, S&P Capital IQ, SNL and company presentations.
Removes companies with Nuclear power stations or producers of Uranium
Sources: GICS sector is used as the initial screen, also sustainalytics, S&P Capital IQ, SNL and company presentations.
Remove companies that are involved with logging Old Growth Forests
Sources: include sustainalytics, S&P Capital IQ, SNL and company presentations.