OK. Let me get this out of the way up front: Trump will declare victory [...]
Via Goldman’s useful Scott Rubner who sees risk on. 1. Largest macro ETF shorting since [...]
The bubble of a lifetime in CBA shows no signs of bursting at 26x growthless [...]
The first battle between bond vigilantes and King Trump has gone to the former. Members [...]
DXY is taking a breather. AUD is ripping into a short-squeeze. But it is wearing [...]
Australia’s manufacturing sector has been in terminal decline for 40 years, with the sector’s share [...]
Late last month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its annual review of Australia, which [...]
Last weekend, I was interviewed by Radio 2GB/4BC on Australia’s housing crisis. As readers know, [...]
It’s amazing how two economists can see the macroeconomy so differently. Judo Bank chief economist [...]
All of the GDP partials have been released, suggesting that Wednesday’s Q1 national accounts will [...]
The March quarter national accounts, the most comprehensive measure of economic activity, will be released [...]
The Melbourne Institute’s headline and trimmed mean inflation gauge continue to lose steam. While May’s [...]
2021 began with optimism. After Victoria beat off its virus second wave, Australia was effectively [...]
Last week, the Morrison Government announced that it would allow cash strapped Australians that have [...]