
Performance Reports

All of our clients have website access to see the stocks and bonds that they own, the reasons for owning them and a full history of performance.

In addition, we write a performance report each month to go through any changes to our positioning. See below for recent reports: 

During March, all of our portfolios outperformed their benchmarks, bolstered by our defensive and underweight bank stock exposures. Quality and
February was a mixed month. The ASX fell in price, down around 3%. Bonds were down around 1.6%. International stocks
Stock markets continued their on/off mode in January. This time it was on. The ASX 200 rose 6.2%. International stocks
Stock markets continued their on/off mode in December. This time it was off. Australian stocks fell 3.2%, international stocks fell
Stock markets boomed again in November. Australian stocks were up 7%, International stocks also boomed, but were held down by
Inflation scenarios
Stock markets boomed in October after being smashed in September. International stocks were up 7%, Australian up almost 6%. Bond

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