Justin Fabo from Antipodean Macro posted the following update on labour productivity across major advanced [...]
Australia’s manufacturing sector has shrunk to just over 5% of GDP, the lowest share in [...]
It’s a very big debate for asset allocators by very big people that I respect [...]
It would be hard to do a podcast on anything other than tariffs… In this [...]
DXY is back. AUD is tariffied. Auld lead boots is the big question as the [...]
Government Debt is rising, Personal debt is up, and corporate debt is up. Insolvencies are [...]
The latest stimulus announcement from China looks a lot like the last six or seven [...]
China recently re-sparked a metals boom with more announcements of stimulus. We are joined by [...]
It has been a volatile 6 months in macroeconomic outlooks. A year ago, it [...]
Extraordinary scenes in Russia this week as a coup put a significant dent into Putin’s [...]
For the last few months we have been talking about how the soft data (i.e. [...]