
Performance Reports

All of our clients have website access to see the stocks and bonds that they own, the reasons for owning them and a full history of performance.

In addition, we write a performance report each month to go through any changes to our positioning. See below for recent reports: 

After a strong August performance, September saw a pull-back in most of our portfolios amid concerns surrounding trade tensions, China’s economic
Nucleus Performance
  International stock markets ripped higher in August and both the Australian dollar and bond yields fell, completing a trifecta
1st year performance
July marked our first full year of live investment as Nucleus Wealth. We started the year with a view that
June continued to see positive returns across our portfolios,  our Australian fund was up 2.3%, International up 1.3% and the
May continued to see positive returns across our portfolios,  our Australian fund was up 2% and the rest were up
Nucleus Relative Performance
April saw markets bounce back from a poor March, and our portfolios saw healthy gains with our international portfolio up

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