OK. Let me get this out of the way up front: Trump will declare victory [...]
Via Goldman’s useful Scott Rubner who sees risk on. 1. Largest macro ETF shorting since [...]
The bubble of a lifetime in CBA shows no signs of bursting at 26x growthless [...]
The first battle between bond vigilantes and King Trump has gone to the former. Members [...]
DXY is taking a breather. AUD is ripping into a short-squeeze. But it is wearing [...]
I wanted to talk about the Australian budget. I’m not seeing what the admirers are [...]
Note: This is the first instalment of our performance report looking at our Australian and [...]
Markets move in cycles. The last 40 years have seen interest rates down from 20% [...]
Before COVID-19 hit, Nucleus Wealth launched a property calculator to help investors or potential homeowners determine [...]
Nobel prize winner Harry Markowitz gets the credit for coining the phrase that “diversification is [...]
The 2008 financial crisis was, at least in part, due to a fundamental flaw in [...]
August saw the market continue the recovery as investors cheered positive news of a potential [...]
The digital games and interactive media sector is probably much larger than you think and [...]
Markets took a tumble last night, is this the start of the end? It could [...]
Investment markets are in the eye of the storm. The initial storm danger came as [...]
Australian energy policy is a mess. Investors should ignore the arguments. The antagonists are stuck [...]
Many of you will have seen Trump’s announcement essentially trying to prevent pension funds from considering [...]
We are in a strange political environment. Globally there have been trillions of dollars of [...]
Diversity issues have exploded into the global zeitgeist over the past few months as Black [...]