
Here you will find all the content produced at Nucleus Wealth, including articles published by the investment team, weekly investment-centric webinars (also presented in podcast format) and monthly performance reports. Click the buttons above if you’re interested in a specific type of content

This week's webinar (12:30pm AEST, Thursday 04 April) - we explore what life is left in the Australian Government Bond
Long term bond yields
We have long been of the view that the Reserve Bank is misdiagnosing the economic environment and interest rates are
Ethical fund returns
From SuperRatings last week Lonsec has sustainable (AKA ethical or ESG) super funds charging high fees and underperforming: the median
We have another special guest week in Damien Boey, who is Credit Suisse’s head of Australian economics and equity strategy.
listed vs unlisted property chart
From Bloomberg: Australia's best-performing superannuation fund is going against the grain by avoiding cash and bonds, betting the 30-year investment
super fund performance
Chant West has the latest performance stats: Super funds have kept up their strong start to 2019, with the median