The Australian dollar has been in free-fall for a number of months, but has rallied [...]
OK. Let me get this out of the way up front: Trump will declare victory [...]
Via Goldman’s useful Scott Rubner who sees risk on. 1. Largest macro ETF shorting since [...]
The bubble of a lifetime in CBA shows no signs of bursting at 26x growthless [...]
The first battle between bond vigilantes and King Trump has gone to the former. Members [...]
“So just how big a problem is greenwashing?” was the headline written by Karen Maley [...]
Bonds have just been through one of the worst four-month periods ever, down around 10%. [...]
At the end of the day, it always boils down to what your goals are, [...]
I have a confession. I don’t know much about the inner workings of combustion engines. Starting combustion [...]
I have a working theory that overall betting odds on elections are affected by what [...]
The global economy is in a delicate state. Nearly every major economy is facing some [...]
There has been a lot of talk lately about electric vehicles and their impact on [...]
Recently described by CNBC as “the hot new investing strategy”, Vanguard, Blackrock and Morgan Stanley [...]
A side effect of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been the jump in oil and [...]
The western world has not engaged in war with Russia in a traditional sense yet, [...]
Not every investment has an equal distribution of upside and downside. Humans, as a rule, [...]
Chinese inflation indexes were weak again yesterday. Consumer price inflation has been weak for more [...]
Uncertainty increasing I have some pretty clear ideas about which trends are sustainable and which [...]
2021 began with optimism. After Victoria beat off its virus second wave, Australia was effectively [...]
A client asked us to look at a recent Bridgewater post titled It’s Mostly a Demand [...]