The Australian dollar has been in free-fall for a number of months, but has rallied [...]
OK. Let me get this out of the way up front: Trump will declare victory [...]
Via Goldman’s useful Scott Rubner who sees risk on. 1. Largest macro ETF shorting since [...]
The bubble of a lifetime in CBA shows no signs of bursting at 26x growthless [...]
The first battle between bond vigilantes and King Trump has gone to the former. Members [...]
January saw equity markets take a breather after a strong rally into the end of [...]
November saw equity market returns surge on the back of US election result clarity and [...]
October saw domestic multi-asset portfolios achieve small gains with Australian equities the prime driver. International [...]
Note: This is part 1 of our performance report looking at Australian and International direct [...]
September has historically been the worst month for the stock market, and this year was [...]
Note: This is the first instalment of our performance report looking at our Australian and [...]
August saw the market continue the recovery as investors cheered positive news of a potential [...]
Investment markets are in the eye of the storm. The initial storm danger came as [...]
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Coronavirus has shown this to [...]
May saw share markets extend their bounce in the face of worsening economic conditions. In [...]
April saw a bounce back in share markets after one of the worst months ever [...]
Chant West finally released its returns for superannuation funds for last month. Our growth fund smashed the [...]
March was one of the worst months ever for stock markets. As discussed in our [...]
Chant West returns released its returns for superannuation funds for last month and a preview [...]